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Hampshire Light

Award-Winning Lighting Design Trusted By Professionals

For the last 20 years, our lighting design team have transformed high-end spaces using unrivalled passion for creative and technical excellence. With our complete end-to-end consultative process, expertise in control systems and detailed plans, Hampshire Light are the number one choice for leading professionals throughout Hampshire and surrounding counties.


Lighting Design

Our lighting design process is flexible, so we can be as involved as you need us to be depending on the scale of your project. Take a look at our lighting design process to see how we can help you with lighting.

More info

Interested in learning more about our lighting design process?

Download our lighting design brochure

Collaborating With Opulent Lighting Brands

Hampshire Light use products from the leading lighting manufactures across the globe.



How we Work

We make every room the best it can be by understanding your vision and turning it into a reality. You can rely on our expertise, experience and passion to deliver the results within a budget.



What We're Thinking

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