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Many shading companies focus on larger, higher-yield projects predominantly in the commercial sector. It's why service levels tend to drop on smaller residential projects. However, we are here for you because we focus primarily on the residential sector!

We understand the personal nature of purchasing blinds and curtains for you to suit and enhance your home's decor, design and style, specifically considering the different zones throughout the house. With this in mind, we do everything we can to make your buying experience with us insightful and enjoyable, ensuring you are 100% satisfied after completing your installation.

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Types of Residential Blinds & Curtains


Residential Blinds & Curtains Consultants

Hampshire Light offers window treatment consultation, design and installation services to accentuate your home decor and get it from good to great. We’ve been delighting our clients for over 25 years, so get in touch with us to discover how we can serve and delight you.

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Hampshire Light provides architects, interior designers and their clients with inspiration, expertise and bespoke solutions.

With our Technical Support personnel and a strong survey & installation service throughout the UK, we look forward to assisting you.


Why Choose Hampshire Light?

With over 25 years’ experience, our highly talented lighting designers paired with our superior products deliver outstanding results for homes across Hampshire and beyond.

About Hampshire Light


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