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We create decorative, functional and security driven lighting tailored to your outdoor space requirements.

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Basement Leisure Complex

A plethora of different landscape lighting effects for a balanced and effective result.

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Landscape Lighting Design Services

Enjoy your outdoor living space with thoughtful landscape lighting design from the experts. Our landscape lighting design services include.

  • Environmental impact assessment 
  • Lighting layout drawings, including circuit identification 
  • Luminaire and control schedules
  • Lighting calculation reports
  • Lighting supply and installation

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Superior Landscape Lighting

Our expertise and passion to provide superior landscape, garden and exterior lighting design separates us from the rest.

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Why Choose Hampshire Light?

From water features, entrances, gardens and staircases, we deliver landscape lighting design to transform your outdoor space.

About Hampshire Light

Environmental impact assessments

Using a range of lighting software paired with extensive knowledge and experience, our environmental impact assessments focus on evaluating obtrusive light, light pollution and impacts on wildlife.

Our assessments can be tailored to your needs, ensuring an effective solution for your lighting project. Depending on the size and requirements of your project, our environmental impact assessments may include:

  • In-depth plans and visualisations for areas prone to bats
  • Evaluation of night-time visual impacts
  • Reports for Environmental Statements (ES) or Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
  • Post installation checks

Lighting Layout Drawings

Based on your project requirements, we produce lighting layout drawings to provide detailed measurements of your lighting scheme. Our lighting layout drawings include circuit identification and technical specifications to ensure the installation of your landscape lighting goes as seamless as possible.

Our technical drawings are designed to help electrical professionals understand the context and function of our proposed lighting solution. This may include the involvement with lighting control systems from the likes of Lutron.

Lighting supply and installation

We supply superior lighting products from high-end manufactures across the globe to help fulfil your project requirements. With connections to the most opulent lighting brands in the world, we can source fixtures perfect for your project. Whether you require motion detector security lights or energy-efficient LEDs, we can supply the lighting you’ll need to enhance your space.

As a complete, end-to-end lighting service, we collaborate with highly qualified electricians to ensure a safe and efficient installation of your lighting scheme. From the fitting of lighting fixtures, to lighting control integrations and complete lighting installations, we can oversee your entire lighting solution.  

Luminaire and control schedules

Within our landscape lighting design process, we create luminaire and control schedules that highlight the location of each lighting fixture, the circuit number they belong to, CAD codes, product images and descriptions, quantity of each light required, and a breakdown of pricing. This allows us to specify exactly what is required for the complete solution and aids with the installation process.


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