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Lighting Specialists

Our team of specialists are here to make sure you don’t miss out on what you never knew you could have - many lighting techniques and effects are well within the reach of most private clients and suit their houses perfectly.

Our expert lighting designers use a range of techniques to create different ambiances, all tailored to your taste and style of property.

Lighting control systems are integral to getting the very best from any lighting design, as you can see below, the different scenes affect the space according to the desired ambiance.

Concealed Linear Details

Adding details like these straightaway makes an area feel more luxurious, and noticeably pleasant to be in.

Accentuation And Highlighting

Architectural features, artwork, textures, foliage or other features are subtly highlighted, in a sympathetic and tasteful way. Lighting like this brings key items ‘off the page’, as well as adding interest and energy to a space.

Architectural Ambient Lighting

The days of relying on downlights and pendants for ambient lighting are well and truly past. We can use coffer lighting, upwashes, or recessed linear systems to provide comfortable and glare-free ambient and task lighting.

Designer Features

Designer elements can be incorporated into your lighting design if appropriate, for example feature wall art, illuminated light objects, bespoke decorative items, or custom-designed systems to suit tricky applications.

Your Vision

Based on our experience and taking into account the type of effects and techniques you would like, we provide a minimum cost that we feel we could work with and still achieve your vision. We then help you decide on the upper parameter and make sure the design we create won’t cost more than what you want to spend.

Contact Us

Our goal is to enhance, simplify and de-stress your project, turning your vision into a reality you never thought possible.


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