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We design, specify and supply intelligent lighting control systems from established lighting manufactures worldwide.

About Lutron Control Systems

Lutron designs and manufactures thousands of energy-saving products, from dimmers for homes to large control systems for entire buildings. Lutron are known for promoting the energy saving benefits of lighting controls and have been since 1961, when owner Joel Spira invented the first electronic dimmer.

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Lutron Lighting Control Systems

Wireless RA2 Select

Enjoy personalised lighting and blind control with RA2 Select. This intelligent lighting control system gives you the ability to control both your lights and blinds using your smart phone from anywhere in the world. With the RA2 control system, select between a smart keypad for instant scene control, or a remote for individual light and blind control.

Our lighting control expertise allow us to integrate Lutron control systems into our lighting design, offering you the control over your space that you desire. 

Download RA2 Select brochure

Incredible control & technology

The RA2 Select main repeater and Lutron App gives you full control over your lights and blinds using your smartphone or tablet, from anywhere in the world. For controls from the comfort of your own home, the versatile Pico remote is available as a keypad for scene control, or a remote for individual light and blind control. Whatever your control requirements are, the RA2 system has you covered and supports up to 100 devices.

Lutron's Clear Connect RF technology creates a reliable system that you can trust. You'll experience precise and accurate controls, free from interference with other frequency bands every time you use it.

Easy configuration

The Lutron App automatically configures light and blind levels for typical activities - a simple system setup giving you full control over your home instantly.

The pre-engraved Pico keypad guarantees every keypad in your home displays intuitive scene icons, perfect for selecting those pre-set light and blind levels. 


Lutron Homeworks

The Lutron Homeworks control system brings together superior dimming technology, window coverings and fixtures to create beautiful light throughout your home.

This intelligent lighting control system gives you full control over your home with the use of your voice, smart phone, and keypads - set the perfect atmosphere for your home on demand. 

Lutron Homeworks offers exceptional aesthetics, refined daylight control, a transformative environment, and smart living. 

Interested in intelligent lighting control for your home?

Speak to an expert today

Bespoke Lighting With Lutron

At Hampshire Light, we use Lutron lighting and control products to give us the freedom to personalise light in any space. From single room or zoned areas to whole buildings or an entire complex, Lutron give us full control to deliver superior lighting. We have an extensive amount of experience integrating Lutron lighting into our designs and hold the knowledge needed to utilise the full potential with Lutron lighting products.

Considering intelligent lighting controls for your home?

Download our lighting design brochure

Speak to Hampshire Light

Would you like to see how Hampshire Light could use Lutron lighting control systems in your project?

Speak to Hampshire Light today


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