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Utilising Phos lighting fixtures to produce architectural lighting design that inspires.

About Phos

Phos is an evolution of 140 years of technical expertise, creativity, and precision engineering to form a renowned architectural lighting company. Based in Hatfield, England, Phos manufacture a range of downlights, uplights, linear, wall, exterior and projector lights, all complete with a flawless finish and engineered with sustainability in mind.

As one of the most technical companies in the lighting industry, Phos are known for producing never seen before miniature but powerful luminaires here in the UK. With their technically brilliant products and variety in design, Phos give us the power to produce architectural lighting design that inspires.

Architectural Lighting With Phos

At Hampshire Light, we use the very best lighting products for your design. Using renowned manufactures such as Phos, we ensure the very best architectural lighting products are used to highlight the features of your property. Our lighting designers carry extensive knowledge on the complete Phos range in order to produce the optimal design and supply package for your requirements.

Book a complimentary design consultation

Phos lighting fixtures

A Finish For Every Taste

Phos emphasise their passion towards perfection through precision, experience, and the use of specific material grades. With Anodised, Plated, Marine Grade, and Powder Coated finishes, Phos lighting products enable us to supply an authentic and flawless touch to your space.

Speak to Hampshire Light

Would you like to see how Hampshire Light could use Phos lighting in your project?

Speak to Hampshire Light today


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