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Project Overview

Cosy Cabin

This log cabin is a luxurious second home for our client.  Surprisingly high-spec, it has an undeniable appeal!

Our lighting scheme is imaginative and creative, and also overcomes the challenge presented by the fact that we couldn’t wire through any internal walls.  The lighting is compatible with a wireless control system.

The detail and technical design was very extensive, liaising with other professionals to ensure perfection in every detail.  This included working closely with a joiner on the design of the bespoke coffers.  

The result is superb!


Master Bedroom

We created a holistic and completely bespoke design for this gorgeous bedroom.  Multiple lighting effects blend together perfectly, to create a lovely ambience.  It really brings out the tones of the wood, and has a very cosy feel.


Highlighting The Stove

The lighting throughout the cabin is nearly all indirect, which creates a relaxing ambience, especially at night. We included a single architectural spotlight in the design to create a superb focal point in the room. It's fully adjustable so could be commissioned at the perfect angle - notice the sculpture of light on the floor mirroring the shape of the glass hearth, as well as the striking asymmetrical arc on the wall.

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