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Project Overview

Completed in 2023, this luxurious residential development in West Sussex showcases a harmonious blend of architectural innovation and bespoke lighting solutions. Our team collaborated closely with Junnell Homes and HD Architects to create a luminous environment that enhances the property's aesthetic appeal and functionality.

The Challenges

Integrating Lighting with Architecture: One of the primary challenges was to seamlessly incorporate lighting elements into the architectural design without compromising the clean, modern aesthetic of the space

Balancing Functionality and Ambiance: Achieving the right balance between practical illumination and mood-setting lighting across various areas of the property required careful consideration

Exterior Lighting Constraints: Designing low-level exterior lighting that enhanced the property's nighttime appeal while respecting the surrounding environment presented unique challenges.

Our Approach

We developed a comprehensive lighting strategy that complemented the architectural vision, involving:

Coffered Ceiling Illumination: We designed a lighting system that accentuates the elegant coffered ceilings, creating depth and visual interest while providing ambient illumination.

Concealed Bathroom Lighting: In the bathrooms, we implemented concealed lighting solutions to deliver soft, flattering light without visible fixtures, enhancing the sense of luxury and spaciousness.

Soffit Lighting: Exterior soffits were illuminated to highlight the building's architectural features and provide subtle ambient lighting around the perimeter.

External Low-Level Lighting: We carefully positioned low-level lighting fixtures around the property to create a warm, inviting atmosphere and ensure safe navigation after dark.


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