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Project Overview

Completed in 2022, Fieldsview stands as a testament to the power of collaborative lighting design. Our lighting design team worked with Mark Scott Construction, Artichoke Design, Wiise, and CP Hart to create a luminous masterpiece that seamlessly integrates with the architectural vision.

The Challenges

The property's numerous vaulted ceilings presented a unique lighting challenge, requiring innovative solutions to achieve optimal illumination without compromising the aesthetic integrity of the space.

Our Approach

We developed a comprehensive lighting design that not only addressed the architectural complexities but also enhanced the overall living experience. Our strategy focused on:

Tuneable White Lighting: Implementing a DALI-controlled system that mimics the natural circadian rhythm, promoting wellbeing and comfort throughout the day.

Vaulted Ceiling Solutions: Crafting bespoke lighting schemes that accentuate the height and grandeur of the vaulted ceilings whilst ensuring practical illumination.

Collaborative Design: Working closely with the architect and other design professionals to ensure a cohesive and harmonious final result.


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