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Project Overview

Modern Bungalow

Moving from a traditional farmhouse, our clients decided to create a far more modern feel to their new bungalow. The house was designed to be as energy efficient and environmentally friendly as possible, with a grass roof and solar panels, as well as being user-friendly and easy to maintain. The imaginative lighting scheme adds depth, warmth and inspiration to the property.

The open-plan living room at the rear of the property is the key area, with a Poggenpohl kitchen at one end, a dining area in the centre, and a sitting room at the opposite end. The high ceiling has a lantern-style roof with a solid ceiling. LED strips are installed around the sill of this rooflight, creating a stunning effect at night and a sunrise-like glow during the day! A suspended track system over the kitchen island provides excellent working light for food preparation, and a set of three Jack Canto pendants in the dining area illuminate the table. The lighting emphasises the separate zones within the main area, with multiple circuits controlled and dimmed by three Lutron Grafik Eye systems.


Ceiling Spotlights

Perhaps the most eye-catching lighting feature in this area is the Piu ceiling spotlights on the end wall; these create superb sculptures of light over the artwork. These can be set to full brightness for crisp arcs of light, or dimmed down as required for more subtle effects. These sculptures of light are echoed by the twin Piu spotlights in the corridor, which in turn create a reflection in the glazed wall which forms one wall of the corridor. Moving towards the front of the property, further sculptures of light illuminate artwork on either side of the corridor, forming a natural flow from the front to the back of the bungalow. The corridor sculptures also look highly dramatic when viewed from the courtyard outside.

A small LED marker light in the main master en-suite provides a soft glow of light. Controlled by a motion sensor, this nightlight lights the bathroom enough to use during the night without having to turn on the main lights.

Final thoughts

Outside, the cedar cladding is illuminated with carefully positioned up/down lights, and the wall at the rear of the garden is highlighted with mini LED marker lights. The light from these spotlights play effectively on the historic brick wall, which is a feature left intact from the plot's original use – a piggery! Illuminated bollards in the front drive add extra effect and mark the edge of the grassed area.

Six months down the line, the clients are still 'absolutely delighted' with the lighting in their new home. It enhances the overall ambience and drama of the property, and perfectly complements the modern design, both internally and externally.


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