Detailed and creative lighting design can help us live better at home. It can increase the functionality of our space, make us look better, feel more comfortable, and boost our overall wellbeing. Here at Hampshire Light, we value carefully designed lighting and understand the benefits it can bring to a space when used effectively. So, we’ve put together a list of 5 common lighting design mistakes (and how you can avoid them) to ensure a superior lighting scheme for your home.
1. Ignoring shadows
Shadows and lighting go hand in hand. You need to think about where lighting fixtures will be placed and how they’ll impact/create shadows in a room. Will any shadows hinder daily activities? This often occurs in bathrooms where people tend to shave, do their makeup, and style their hair. You don’t want any unnecessary shadows affecting your vision.
To avoid unwanted shadows, you shouldn’t rely on single overhead lighting. Lamps, wall lights, and under cabinet lights can be used to create lighting in areas that will assist you in activities you wish to partake in.
2. Overlooking energy consumption
When installing a plethora of lights across your home, you need to think about the energy consumption. A high energy consumption can increase both running costs in your home and negatively affect the environment. That’s why energy consumption must be considered for each lighting fixture chosen for your home.
In order to reduce energy consumption, use LEDs. Not only do they cut down on costs in energy consumption, but they generate less heat, resulting in a reduction in your cooling bills too. There are many ways that energy consumption can be lowered, by installing dimmers to allow adjustment in the levels of brightness, or removing unnecessary lamps and maximising available daylight.
3. Concentrating on aesthetics alone
We often see people opting for certain lighting fixtures because “it matches my décor and will look amazing!” While it’s nice to find matching accessories for your home, you need to assess the functionality of your light and how it will benefit your room.
So, before you make a purchase on a light you think looks the part, make sure you know where it’ll be fixed, and how it will impact the lighting in the area to ensure it’s effective for your situation and requirements.
4. Replacing natural light
For an effective lighting scheme in your home, you should consider where the natural light is coming from and maximise its potential in every room.
Natural light can’t be relied on by itself. However, assessing how natural light is affecting your space is crucial before implementing any artificial lights. This will help you make smart decisions, resulting in a well-balanced lighting scheme that creates your desired ambiance.
5. Not exploring control systems
Lighting control systems give you so much flexibility. Not by any means are we saying lighting control systems are a necessity, but it’s definitely something to consider when looking to upgrade the lighting in your home.
Lighting control systems are intelligent network-based lighting control solutions that incorporates communication between various inputs and outputs. This gives you the ability to control lights from a central device to set a chosen mood for your occasion. Here’s an example of a lighting control solution from one of our recent lighting design projects.