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How do you feel about working with a lighting designer for your new build or refurbishment? Many private clients have never commissioned a professional lighting designer before and may feel unsure about how to proceed, or fear they will lose control of the project. 

As a starting point, go by your instinctive reaction from the first meeting with your possible lighting designer. Do you feel comfortable that he or she is on your side, working in your interests? How much interest did they show in you and your tastes? A trust relationship is paramount. 

Don’t be afraid to talk about your ideas, however undefined or otherwise. Think freely about how you would like to feel when you walk in to your new home, and how you would like guests to feel. Your lighting designer is there to listen to you and to thoughtfully create a personalised scheme. Which part of the property is your favourite area? What are you most looking forward to doing in your new home? A professional will understand your personal vision, crystallising and clarifying it for you. 

Don’t be surprised if your lighting designer wants to know a large amount of detail about your interior design, whether you have an interior designer or not – it is vital that they have a very good understanding of your ‘look and feel’, as well as being aware of other details such as furniture layouts and artwork. This means they can create a sympathetic and tailored lighting scheme. 

Planning your new spaces is (for many of us) a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Don’t risk missing out on what you never knew you could have – many lighting techniques and effects are well within the reach of most private clients and suit their houses perfectly. It’s certainly not limited to footballers houses or show-homes. You’ll meet a fascinating conglomeration of tradesmen and professionals, all working together to achieve what’s best for you, and the end result will be perfectly tailored to your lifestyle and tastes.


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