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Residential & Commercial

We have an enormous amount of experience in lighting and offer a range of services under our hourly rate consultancy service. As a result, we can be as involved as you need.

Below is a list of our Top 20 Services Offered. They apply to both residential and commercial projects.

  1. Lighting design concepts including 3D modelling if required.
  2. Lighting layouts by hand.
  3. Lighting layouts in CAD.
  4. Reflective Ceiling Plans for lighting including all setting out dimensions & principles.
  5. Luminaire specifications & schedules.
  6. Lighting calculations using Dialux or Relux.
  7. Detailed joinery lighting design including doorswitches.
  8. Resolving difficult lighting challenges, e.g. coffers / vaulted areas.
  9. Lighting designs for specialist areas (e.g. swimming pools, public areas).
  10. Emergency lighting design to meet current regulations.
  11. Energy calculations & specifications for swapping ‘old’ style lamps to modern LED equivalents.
  12. Sourcing difficult products.
  13. Advising on good places to procure lighting products.
  14. Landscape lighting design.
  15. Kitchen lighting design.
  16. Lighting design / advice for historic & listed buildings.
  17. Bat lighting – compliance with Bat survey specifications as they are a protected species.
  18. Design of showcase lighting for museums, retail, private collections etc.
  19. Working out cable sizing / driver specifications / driver locations for LED linear installations.
  20. Assistance with meeting CIBSE guidelines and other requirements. (especially in public buildings.)

Book Initial Consultation

The meeting can be facilitated either online via virtual meeting, or in person at our design studio in Farnborough.

Book now


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