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Project Overview

Completed in 2023, Dormestone Barn involved designing and supplying lighting and Rako controls for a converted barn in Charing, Kent. The project focused on enhancing the unique architectural features of the space while providing functional and atmospheric lighting solutions.

The Challenges

Vaulted ceiling with oak joists: The high, angled ceilings and exposed beams required careful consideration to avoid overcrowding the space with fittings.

Stepped and angled ceilings: The living room's unique ceiling structure demanded creative lighting solutions to ensure even illumination.

Highlighting oak beams: The goal was to accentuate the beautiful oak beams without resorting to an excessive number of large spotlights.

Our Approach

To address the challenges and meet the client's needs, we implemented the following strategies:

Decorative pendants: We selected striking pendant lights that resemble firework displays, adding visual interest whilst providing ambient lighting without cluttering the vaulted ceiling.

Uplighting: Oak posts with brick bases were illuminated from below, emphasising the vertical elements and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Low-level stair lighting: We incorporated discreet lighting along the stairs for both safety and aesthetic purposes, adding a subtle glow to guide movement.

Artwork lighting: Specialised fittings were installed to highlight artwork, adding depth and focus to the space.

Rako control system: We implemented a sophisticated Rako lighting control system, allowing for easy scene-setting and mood creation throughout the barn.

Layered lighting design: By combining ambient, task, and accent lighting, we created a versatile and dynamic lighting scheme that complements the barn's architecture.

This approach resulted in a harmonious blend of functional and atmospheric lighting, enhancing the barn's unique features while providing flexible illumination for various activities and moods.


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