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We recommend and supply innovative LED lighting solutions from renowned lighting manufactures across the world.

About Bruck Lighting

An American manufacturer of innovative, specification grade LED lighting fixtures and systems. Bruck Lighting have been recognised as a global brand since 1985. Bruck was the first American lighting manufacturer to integrate LED technology into its decorative and accent lighting products.

Bruck's products are known for their high quality and eye-catching aesthetics, with the aim to be as ecological as possible from manufacturing through to the products entire lifecycle.

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Bespoke Lighting With Bruck

At Hampshire Light, we use a variety of Bruck lighting products such as pendants, wall lights and downlights to create exclusive lighting for your project. Bruck’s attention to the development of efficient luminaires allows us to source and supply top quality lighting using energy-efficient illuminates. We use our vast amount of experience and knowledge to suggest the best Bruck lighting products for your project requirements.

Interested in our lighting design process?

Download our lighting design brochure

Speak to Hampshire Light

Would you like to see how Hampshire Light could use Bruck lighting in your project?

Speak to Hampshire Light today


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