Conservatories offer that perfect balance between indoor and outdoors. When it’s too cold to enjoy the open air but you want to appreciate the surrounding nature, a glass extension full of natural light is a great place to be.

But what happens when the sun goes down and you want to use the extra living space? You look for smart conservatory lighting ideas that allow you to continue using it at any time, any day.

However, for a room that is naturally filled with sunlight during the day, it can be hard to get the right balance of lighting for a usable space from sunrise to sunset – whether it be summer, spring, autumn, or winter.

So, to help make sure you get the most from your conservatory all year round, follow these lighting design tips.

Top considerations for conservatory lighting

When looking to spice up your conservatory, don’t jump straight in without any thought. You may have found a pretty fixture that looks the part, but will it work with your scheme? Complement the rest of your lighting? And help you achieve the type of room you want your conservatory to be?

So, before getting ahead of yourself, consider the following:

Is your conservatory roof glass or solid?

The type of roof that your conservatory has plays a big part in how you approach its lighting. A glass roof conservatory will allow more natural light in, meaning less artificial lighting is needed during daylight. Whereas a tiled roof will require more artificial light during the day. For tiled roof conservatories, you can take a similar approach to lighting as you would with a typical room in the house. This is because you’ll have a ceiling to hang a light fixture from.

How is your conservatory positioned?

Whilst the roof of your conservatory is an important factor to consider, the positioning of your conservatory is too. Here’s why.

Although glass roofs typically allow for more sunlight to enter your space, this isn’t always the case. It also comes down to the direction your conservatory is facing. South-facing conservatories will get more natural light as the sun flows in that direction. Likewise, a north-facing conservatory tends to be more shaded throughout the day.

So, take this into account and adjust your lighting levels based on the position of your conservatory.

What type of room do you want your conservatory to be?

The type of lighting you will need also depends on the type of room you want your conservatory to be. For example, if you’re converting it into a dining room, you’ll want plenty of light to help elevate the mood. But if you’re creating a relaxed room for reading, you want the opposite of bright and intrusive lighting.

Conservatory lighting ideas

LED strip lights

Because of the way conservatories are built, you’ll find LED strips fit seamlessly around the straight-lined structure. Around the top of the roof, underneath the windows, across the skirting boards, wherever you see fit, LEDs offer an exciting and colourful touch to your conservatory lighting.

Low-level lighting

If you’re using your conservatory to relax or read in, you’ll want to think about low-level lighting such as reading lamps. This way, you can position the lamp exactly where you need it and adjust the light based on how much is required. The light won’t be too intense which is ideal for unwinding after a busy day.

Floor lamps

Floor lamps provide a way of focusing light where you most need it for the task at hand. Being larger than table lamps, they distribute more light throughout the room and can even be used as a focus piece.

Wall lights

Conservatories will usually have one solid wall, so be sure to take advantage of this. Use wall lights in your conservatory to add style and practicality, without taking up any floor space – ideal for smaller spaces.

Light your conservatory with the experts

Over the last 20 years, our expert team at Hampshire Light have provided lighting design schemes all across the south of England. With our complete end-to-end consultative process, expertise is lighting design, and passion to deliver solutions that work for you, we can provide a bespoke plan that enhances your space.

Contact our expert team today - we’d love to help with your project.


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