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Imagine transforming your lighting with a simple twist of a dial. DALI lighting control cables make this a reality, offering a streamlined solution that combines ease of use, and unparalleled flexibility.

In this blog, we'll delve into the transformative power of DALI lighting control and explore how these cables simplify your lighting management, empowering you to create the perfect ambiance with ease.

The Benefits of DALI Lighting Control

With DALI, you gain unparalleled ease of use, flexibility, and affordability. Let’s dive into the intricate benefits of DALI lighting control:

1. Ease of Use

DALI systems are designed with user-friendliness in mind. You can control multiple lights with a single interface, reducing the complexity of managing your lighting environment. This is particularly beneficial in larger installations like office buildings or shopping malls, where traditional systems would require extensive wiring and complicated controls.

2. Flexibility

With DALI, customisation is straightforward. Whether you want to adjust the brightness, change the lighting scenes, or schedule different lighting patterns, DALI makes it simple. The protocol allows for dynamic control over your lighting setup, providing you with the flexibility to create the perfect ambiance for any occasion, such as dimming lights for a movie night or brightening them for a lively party.

3. Affordability

Despite its advanced capabilities, DALI is an affordable solution. The cost savings come from reduced wiring complexity and the ability to integrate various brands and products seamlessly. This results in lower installation and maintenance costs over time, making it an economical choice for both residential projects and large-scale commercial developments.

Choosing the Right DALI Cable

DALI cables come in different thicknesses, impacting how far they can carry the signal effectively. Here's a quick guide to choosing the right one for your project. Selecting the appropriate DALI cable is crucial to ensure optimal performance. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right one for your needs:

  • Up to 100 meters: Use 20 AWG cable.
  • Up to 150 meters: Use 18 AWG cable.
  • Up to 200 meters: Use 16 AWG cable.
  • Up to 300 meters: Use 14 AWG cable (Note: It's not recommended to exceed 300 meters)

DALI Cable for Specific Requirements

The DALI cables range is designed to meet your specific requirements:


  • Niltox LF-318 Cables: Ideal for general wiring needs, ensuring safety and reliability.
  • 5 or 6 Core DALI Cables: Available in 1.0mm² and 1.5mm² sizes, these cables are CPR compliant to Class Cca, ensuring they meet stringent safety standards.

Why Choose DALI Cables?

  • CPR-Compliant: All our cables meet the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) standards, ensuring high performance and safety.
  • LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen): Our cables feature LSZH insulation and sheathing, making them ideal for use in public buildings where safety is paramount.

DALI Cables Applications

DALI cables are suitable for a variety of lighting control systems, making them perfect for use in public buildings such as schools, hospitals, and offices. Their LSZH properties ensure that in the event of a fire, they emit minimal smoke and no halogen, reducing the risk of toxic fumes.

Lighting Control from Hampshire Light

Switching to DALI lighting control cables can simplify your lighting management, offering a perfect blend of ease, flexibility, and affordability.

Whether you're upgrading an existing system or planning a new installation, our range of DALI cables will provide you with reliable and efficient solutions. Say goodbye to the hassles of complex lighting systems and embrace the smart way to control your lights with DALI cables.

Don't wait to experience the transformative power of DALI lighting control. Contact Hampshire Light today for your free consultation!

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